Sunday, March 8, 2009

SnOwBoArDiNg! .... :)

Kk, so on the 27 our school got the chance to go up to Brian Head and so snowboarding or skiing.
so i went boarding.. it was so much funn... i'll tell you the story!.....

We rode up there on the bus..i sat by Shaniah. Shaniah didn't know how to do anything so she decided to snowboard like me...but i already knew how. so her and Malorie went and took the lesson, and me Kyler and Emmy when on the hill a few times..hah we were supposed to take the lesson too haha but we ditched it :)
Then we went down to get them so they could go with us..and Madi came. Me Shaniah Emmy Kyler and Madi went on the bunny hill for shnaiah while malorie stayed and took the lesson still. Shaniah couldn't do it so she switched her snowboard for skiis...and then she was doin good.. then we went in and ate lunch it is soooo expensive up there!! but after that we went over to giant steps it was so funn!!
Then we went over to this other place and it had a bridge.. it was steep...and on the way up on the lift there was a tree and it had bra's all tangled in it...(there is a pic, on my pictures that shows it) hahah it was funny...but after we went down that hill a few times we went back to the lodge. and we went on navajo and there was some rails and i tried it and fell hurt hahah but i just laughed!! then we had to go get back on the go home but it was a really funn dayy!!! :))
there is some pics of me and my friendsup there on my pictures..
peace, i'm out, bye!


Kailee's Korner said...

Haha! I think You need a new picture!

mommyshan said...

Way fun... glad ya had such a good time.